New option to buy reduced HD videos

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Most of the videos for sale on mediaCastpro are videos in 4K resolution. However, to date, most buyers are not interested in having such a high resolution but prefer to have smaller, manageable videos in HD resolution. For this reason, we have decided to also make available for purchase, if the seller wishes and at a reduced price, reduced HD versions of videos that in the original have a higher resolution. Like the price of the originals, the price of the reduced HD versions can also be independently chosen by the sellers during the upload procedure.

The reduced HD version of videos is automatically generated by the platform using the H.265 codec with CRF 20, a resolution of 1920×1080 or 2048×1080, and a bitrate cap of 20 Mbit/s.

If you are a seller, have uploaded several 4K clips in the past, and now want them to be purchasable in a reduced HD version as well, please contact support to find a quick and easy solution.

Only a few days after the introduction of this new feature, more than 40,000 video clips are already available for purchase in HD version at a reduced price.

If you have not yet registered on mediaCastpro, do so now at



